State Historical Society, Inc. of Iowa
Established in 1857
“A non-profit organization dedicated to protecting the heritage of Iowa”
Established in 1857
“A non-profit organization dedicated to protecting the heritage of Iowa”
In 1857, the Iowa Legislature authorized the creation of the State Historical Society of Iowa in Iowa City. In 1960, the Centennial Building, at 402 Iowa Ave in Iowa City, was built to house and care for a wide of variety of historical collections. In 1983, after seven years of legal dispute, the State Historical Society, Inc. was created as a separate entity from the State Historical Board. The State Historical Society, Inc. retains the ownership of all Iowa historical items collected prior to 1974, and it retains control of the trust fund which is intended to help support historical research and preservation in the state.
Today, the State Historical Society, Inc. utilizes its funds to support the preservation of Iowa’s history. The funds are available for endeavors which:
Collect and preserve materials related to the history of Iowa
Conduct historical studies and research projects
Provide means of disseminating a knowledge of the history of Iowa for the people of the state through publications, public lectures, web-based mediums, etc.
The Board of Directors:
Bill Friedricks, president
Dean Oakes, vice-president
Shana Stuart, secretary
Thomas Dean
Holly Carver
Jan Olive Full
The Board meets twice yearly, typically in mid-April and mid-August.
The request must pertain directly to Iowa history and politics.
The request should ideally be concluded within a twelve month period.
The request should have one individual “in charge.”
The request should not ask for “brick and mortar” projects (funds are not available to restore buildings).
The funding does not have a matching grant requirement.
Proposals are due either by April 1 or August 1. Proposals will be considered at the Board’s April or August meetings, and successful applicants will be notified after the relevant meeting.
Please send a letter of application which clearly states:
Who: explain what your entity is, and please include your 501c(3) number
What and How much: provide information about how much funding is requested and specifically how it would be utilized
When: provide a timeframe for the implementation of the funds
The letter can be addressed to either:
State Historical Society, Inc. c/o Will Schwickerath, Hills Bank
1401 S. Gilbert St.
Iowa City, IA 52240